Sunday, 14 June 2015

Hartland 166 klm

I had planned a comparatively short day so I took my time over breakfast and got on the road at 10. (Atlantic time now so it was really 9 as usual I guess).  I took secondary highway 145 down the east side of the St John river. It was a nice ride but not very scenic since the river was only glimpse ocasuonaly.

The falls at Grand Falls are impressive.
After grand falls I crossed to the west side and took 130 that left the river valley through rolling farmlands. Quite a bit of climbing involved.  Had a nice chat with a local couple at my afternoon snack stop.
I arrived at my campground destination at 3:45 and again there were no stores or restaurants open nearby. I called a b&b I had considered but rejected as being too far and since I was still feeling good I booked a room and got on the road for a fast 60 klm along the river.
The B&B is in Hartland near the far end of the world's longest covered bridge. Ate at Tim Hortons (my 3rd timmys today, few other places were open) and headed over the bridge. 
Kleine Nahani says this place is ok.


  1. Hope you had some Covered Bridge chips. You can get them here but Peggy Gail and I really enjoyed sitting at the end of the actual bridge and munching on some.

  2. So much for a short day of riding lol
